latest hobby 3

As I mentioned in a previous blog and at McB’s wedding, I’ve been target shooting a few 22s lately. I’ve also started doing a little bit of gunsmithing, which is really more screwdriving than anything. I started with this cheap little ruger 10/22 from a local store: after a few trips to local gun shows ...

wicked pissah woot

woot was recently woot-offing and had a pair of Boston speakers for sale. For those of you who don’t know the woot, they sell one thing a day until it’s all gone. It starts at 1am and occasionally includes some great bargains. I’ve bought both of my home theater projectors from woot. And the product ...

peter rojas strikes again

looking for free, independent music? give a try Share this:

the alcove with mark molaro

if you’re interested in some very compelling interviews with eclectic, unpretentious and interesting guests, check out the alcove iwth mark molaro jerome might like the gwendolyn wright interview where she talks about american houses (she’s also the history detectives lady) enjoy, or don’t. Share this:

teacup chihuahua puppy

jeff has babies. i have puppies. here’s lulu the chihuahua just seconds after she gave birth to a teacup chihuahua puppy. Share this:

lost in woonsocket 1

I just found this today while googling the 895. Has anyone seen it? I think i’ll order the DVD just to check it out. Share this:

this stuff is awesome 2

I’ve heard of d3o before, but it isn’t really available to consumers. It should be the next amazing thing for sports padding, motorcycle gear and military armor. Check out this amazing video. Which is real Can you imagine having clothes made of this, then getting into a fight with someone? they couldn’t hurt you, ...

Hannah Montana looks like a bag of rotten mushrooms

at the moment, she’s on the front page of cnn because scalpers are pricing out her core fans with outrageous prices. who’s buying these tickets? adults? i don’t think so. fathers brought their kids to see Britney back in the day (you remember the pre-trucker days, right?) so they could drool over britney. hannah montana? ...

i hate mimes 1

i really do. i fear dying more than death and wish neither upon anyone, but i had to chuckle when i saw that marcel marceau had passed. the guy was a mime, which makes him my nemesis. along with clowns and midgets. but as mimes go, he went pretty well. he did the Mel Brooks ...

kevin connolly in V 1

yes, kevin connolly aka E in Entourage, was one of the punks who steals rocky’s kid’s jacket in the-one-which-never happened. i’m not watching it, or anything. no way. it never happened. but if it did, kevin connolly would be in it! Share this: