Cool Map of Online Communities

Randall Munroe has a very unusual web comic called xkcd. One of his latest entries is a cool map of online communities with membership represented (approximately) by geographic size. Check it out. Share this:

Cablevision saga continued

Well, they did turn my service back on. But they didn’t call back as promised to talk to me about LightPath or the ever elusive Optimum Online Ultra. Or the mythical Optimum Online Ultra. And I bought their Boost service, which seems to be free of caps. And is screamingly fast (30Mbps down, about 5 ...

Goodbye Austin

I’ll miss your thunderstorms, your bats, your birdsong, your kickass BBQ, your gut wrenchingly delicious texmex, and your not-so-famous avocado margaritas. see you next year! Share this:

SXSW: Spore. I want. 1

Will Wright demo’ed his new game Spore today. Its the most amazing thing I’ve ever seen on a computer. Like everyone else in the room, I want it. Imagine being able to walk through the wardrobe every day of your life. On your laptop. Amazing. EDIT: Here’s the link. This was originally sent from my ...

nicogel and big boobie girls in tent at brush park at sxsw

So, in the free beer tent here at sxsw we have some booth babes giving away Nicogel. Its a product you rub on your hands for times (otto) when you can’t smoke (on a plane, in a conference) The girls are hot with requisite hot young bods. And suspenders. The product is interesting. Its supposed ...

Spring Break for Geeks: South by Southwest

South by Southwest has begun. Last night we drank free beers on the roof at Six, then it was off for some late night grub and cheap drinks at the always cheesy Chuy’s. And now I’m off to listen to Peter Rojas (one of my favorite gadget guys) talk about Emerging Social and Technology Trends. ...

Phone Porn: Blackberry 8300 “Daytona”

Yes, I actually get excited about this stuff. Pathetic, I know. Here are some photos out of Spain about the new Blackberry 8300 phone. I don’t even have my 8820 yet! It looks cool. I just wish they’d put one in the Pearl’s form factor. Ah well. I’m sure that one will be leaked next ...

Blackberry 8820 can't get here fast enough 1

I’m a phone geek. I don’t spend any money on them (the company provides me with one) but if I had to, I’d still buy a couple a year. More accurately, I’m a PDA geek. Ever since I had my first Merlin, The Electronic Wizard, I wished I could have an electronic device which was ...

Blood on the Highway 4

God! I loved those driving school movies. I can’t believe Labonte’s Driving School is still in business. So, do I remember anything from driving school? Velocitizing. Highway hypnosis. And if you ever lose your brakes, sideswipe parked cars to slow down. That’s what this man taught me. Share this:

Hey! Father Marot!

Funny what you can find when you spend a Friday night in with a bottle of wine and Google. And Romeo! Share this: